How it work
eConsentSign is committed to protect the privacy of the valued customers and their data. In the United States, all the businesses need a written permission before they can call a consumer/customer with prerecorded telemarketing messages or live Telemarketers. eConsentSign protects the online privacy of the customers and consumers and make sure they will only receive calls authorized by them.
eConsentSign is a user friendly web application, which is used by several call centers and marketing agencies, Click on the link You will have a unique ID and password to login to your account; use your credential to login to your account. Please review the training video for the dashboard training.
Dashboard has unique feature of adding customers, once after adding customer with basic information, we can submit the form and an email or text message will be sent to the customer with an acknowledgment of showing interest and ask customer to sign the Form digitally. Once after signing the form and submitting the page, marketing agency will get an alert on the customer consent and interest in the specific product/service. After signing the consent Form, customer is authorizing the agency to call them to inform about the products and services they have shown interest!!

After signing the consent Form, customer is only authorizing the agency to call them to inform about the products and services, but making a purchase is not required or mandatory for any products/service!!